We offer discussion-based classes that focus on inspiring a passion for reading.
What we do
(and do well)
Upgrade your homeschool with Exploring The World Through Story.
We utilize the secular world literature program that everyone is talking about from Stone Soup Press!
EWS integrates literary analysis, writing, and memory work.
Exploring the World through Story is a world literature program for students ages 4-14, corresponding to US grades K-8.
The curriculum was designed to help students build their reading, writing, and analytical skills incrementally and sequentially, moving from oral narration in the primary years to essays in middle school.
You may want to use the books from the previous tiers as a family read-aloud to build students’ background knowledge.
We’ll open our yearly registration in May 2025.
Classes with open seats are listed in our store.
We teach literature, mythology, and creative writing through world-building
Reading, thinking, writing, and talking about stories are personal and academic experiences - a model of how society operates or should operate.
Stories embody the values of imagination, identification, and empathy. These matter in an increasingly divisive world.
The plot often transforms characters in literature, and this process models how literature intervenes in our lives and can change them.
The shared experience of studying literature in class gives us the ability and the need to read the world and its texts independently.
Studying literature and critical reading are an opening that returns us to the text in an adventure that never finishes.
The study and criticism of literature is asking questions that generate more and better questions.
In this age of book banning, the study and criticism of literature is not just a social act but an inherently political act. Therefore, authoritarian governments are suspicious and antagonistic toward advanced literary analysis.
Studying literature with my teachers and later with my students has often changed my life. Take every opportunity to have your lives changed by the reading and studying of literature because it matters.
Children who read become more empathetic and understanding of others.
The Bookish Society offers live online literature, art, and creative writing classes for homeschooling families. We are committed to inspiring a passion for reading, providing quality instruction in children’s and young adult literature, and free expression in the creative arts.
We embrace an eclectic approach to homeschool learning. Our Literature Circles are lively, seminar-style discussions driven by students with the expert guidance of a teacher. Our art and creative writing classes respect the students’ creative autonomy and the power of peer collaboration.
We help you homeschool
We help you homeschool
We help you homeschool ✴︎ We help you homeschool ✴︎
What People Are Saying
“My son joined The Bookish Society because he was struggling with isolation and reading comprehension. I’ve followed Jenn’s homeschool advice several times since 2020, and she’s become an invaluable figure in my life as well as my son’s.
— Lacy
“Jenn finds the most amazing and diverse books for kids of all ages to read! As a parent, I even love the books (who knew contemporary middle grade and young adult lit was so awesome!). Both of my kids love their time in Jenn’s ‘classes.’ I say ‘classes’ because it’s not super academic in feel but it’s more than just a casual book club. Bookish is a community of book lovers who get to socialize while they are learning. We are really looking forward to this school year reading ALL the books.”
— Jennifer Jones
“Getting Muhammad to write used to be like pulling teeth. Now, I have to pry him off working on the world-building story to come to do other work. A great problem to have, thanks to you.”
— Bonnie
Don’t worry about being leery of yet another Zoom class. We’re different.
Each class starts with a check-in as the group gathers. We spend the next thirty minutes on the lesson before transitioning to our show and tell/special interest time to wrap up the class.
Let's read together
Let's read together
Let's read together ✴︎ Let's read together
We are bookish.
2025/2026 Upcoming Classes
Weekly Literature Classes
Adventure Literature
Gothic Literature
Classic Novel Literature
Warrior Cats Class
Percy Jackson Class
Exploring the World Through Story
Level D: Wisdom Tales 1
Level E: Wisdom Tales 2
Level F: Wisdom Tales 3
Level G: Heroic Tales
Level I: Folk Heroes
National Mythology Exam Prep Course
Literary Lessons From The Lord of the Rings
Social Skills
Friendish Grades 3-6
Friendish Grades 7+
World Building
Fairy Tales For Teens