10 Reasons You Won’t Like The Bookish Society
But we bet you will.
Maybe your kids hate reading. We’ll do what we can to choose enticing titles—but pretty much the only thing we ask of kids is to read the books, and if they won’t or don’t—there’s no real point in wasting your money.
You aren’t comfortable with your kids online. We meet over Zoom, encourage kids to connect outside of class on Discord and Minecraft, and pretty much love technology.
You prefer a religious-based program. We are unabashedly secular.
You like choosing your own books for your kids to read and then discussing it all with them yourself.
You don’t want to expose your child to people different from yourself or books that may lead them to question authority.
You don’t want your kids making friends during class.
You love the patriarchy.
You disagree with a spirited debate during class. Our kids are passionate and sometimes silly—it’s all part of our process.
You think it costs too much. Our RoundTable Classes are $750 for an entire school year. That works out to about $24 per class. We hope you find this a valuable enrichment to your homeschool.
Obligatory other. We can’t think of a tenth reason. You know your kids will love it.