We are a small but mighty community of readers.

Arrow pointing right

Our story began with the idea of bringing homeschooled students together online to read and discuss literature. We wanted to launch a business, but it turned into something more.

We created a thriving community of like-minded home-educating families filled with real kids with an alphabet of diagnoses between them.

Ms. Jenn as Coraline for World Book Day

Ms. Jenn cosplayed Coraline for World Book Day.

With over 20 years of home-educating experience, Jennie has a way of connecting with homeschooled kids because she raised five of her own.

Maybe you’ve tried online classes, and your neurodiverse student couldn’t sit still or was bored by the lecture format.

We Are:

Reader response-centered

  • Guided primarily by student insights and questions

  • Structured for student independence, responsibility, and ownership

  • Flexible and fluid; never look the same twice

  • Part of a balanced literacy program

We Aren’t:

Teacher- and text-centered

  • Guided primarily by teacher- or curriculum-based questions

  • Unstructured, uncontrolled “talk time” without accountability

  • Tied to a prescriptive “recipe”

  • The entire ELA curriculum

Jenn Naughton

Jenn Naughton

Inspired by her love of reading, Jenn Naughton (she/her) continues the family tradition of teaching. As a mother of five neurodivergent children, she began homeschooling them in 2001. Believing that the only thing better than reading a good story is chatting about it, she created the Bookish Society in 2020 to share her love of books with the next generation of readers. She works from her studio in Chicago, Illinois, with her longtime partner and their teenage son.