Exploring the World Through Story Level I (FALL 2025)
In Level I, eighth graders engage with folk heroes. The first of the two units in this level introduces a popular English folk hero, Robin Hood, while students master the structure of the five-paragraph essay.
Required text: The Adventures of Robin Hood by Roger Lancelyn Green
The second unit in this level introduces Monkey King: Journey to the West, a classic 16th-century Chinese fantasy/adventure novel. This unit teaches students how to use hooks to add interest to their essays and explores the role of diction and syntax in academic writing.
Required text: Monkey King: Journey to the West by Wu Cheng’en (trans. Julia Lovell)
Student Pages from Stone Soup Press:
Required text: Exploring the World through Story, Level I, Units 1-2
In Level I, eighth graders engage with folk heroes. The first of the two units in this level introduces a popular English folk hero, Robin Hood, while students master the structure of the five-paragraph essay.
Required text: The Adventures of Robin Hood by Roger Lancelyn Green
The second unit in this level introduces Monkey King: Journey to the West, a classic 16th-century Chinese fantasy/adventure novel. This unit teaches students how to use hooks to add interest to their essays and explores the role of diction and syntax in academic writing.
Required text: Monkey King: Journey to the West by Wu Cheng’en (trans. Julia Lovell)
Student Pages from Stone Soup Press:
Required text: Exploring the World through Story, Level I, Units 1-2
In Level I, eighth graders engage with folk heroes. The first of the two units in this level introduces a popular English folk hero, Robin Hood, while students master the structure of the five-paragraph essay.
Required text: The Adventures of Robin Hood by Roger Lancelyn Green
The second unit in this level introduces Monkey King: Journey to the West, a classic 16th-century Chinese fantasy/adventure novel. This unit teaches students how to use hooks to add interest to their essays and explores the role of diction and syntax in academic writing.
Required text: Monkey King: Journey to the West by Wu Cheng’en (trans. Julia Lovell)
Student Pages from Stone Soup Press:
Required text: Exploring the World through Story, Level I, Units 1-2
8th grade and up
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays 11:00 am- 11:45 am (Central Time)
Start and End Dates
September 2, 2025- May 21, 2026
$200 per month, first payment due at registration then in Sept-May
Class Enrollment Min/Max
Minimum 5/ Maximum 8